Congratulations to Coach Shannon Duffy and the Lake Country Christian School Varsity and Talon Crew cheer team on winning their sixth consecutive national title at the 2024 FCC National Cheerleading Championships! They competed January 2-6 in Orlando, Florida. Here are the full results:
Team Awards:
1st Place: Large Co-Ed Traditional Routine
1st Place: Large Co-Ed Varsity Game Day
Game Day Routine: Grand Champions
Hit Zero: Traditional AND Game Day
 Best Pyramid & Stunts
Best Choreography & Showmanship
Individual Awards:
Co-Ed Group Stunt Division:
Co-Ed Group Stunt Division:

Co-Ed Partner Stunt Division:

Varsity Jump and Tumble:
Jump Jam Winner: Ava Walker
Tumble Jam Winner: Ava Walker

#lccseagles #lccscheer #nationalchamps #fcc4life