The LCCS Pre-K program has helped my child gain confidence in writing his own name, knowing his alphabet, and counting his numbers in order. We could not be more pleased with the outcome of the LCCS Pre-K program and the amount of time and love the teachers pour into the children.
Lake Country Christian School has definitely enhanced our child’s relationship with the Lord. She consistently comes home quoting scripture and signing worship songs that she learned in chapel.
Early Education
Placement in Early Ed at LCCS:
- PK program – students must be 4 years old by September 1
- Kinder Prep – students turning 5 in July and August
- Kinder Prep vs Kindergarten – placement of students turning 5 in April, May, and June is determined by Gesell testing, observations from teachers, and previous assessments
- Kindergarten – students turning 5 prior to April 1
The PK and Kinder Prep programs at LCCS incorporate the following academic subjects:
- Bible
- Handwriting
- Mathematics
- Language Arts
- Science/Social Studies
- Enrichment Classes
- Reading is incorporated across all curriculum areas
Read more on each program in the additional tabs.
Our PK program is intended for those students who are four (4) by September 1. We offer two PK programs: 5-day and 3-day. Our daily program includes hands-on, minds-on, age-appropriate projects and activities that actively involve children in learning. All domains of development (cognitive, social/emotional, physical, and spiritual) are included in the learning process. Enrichment classes include art, PE, music, Spanish, and science lab.
Kinder Prep
The Kinder Prep program at Lake Country Christian School includes three critical components: developing and teaching the whole child, providing integrated and diverse activities, and a child’s social/emotional development.
Kinder Prep is a modified full-time Kindergarten program that gives students an extra year to better prepare them for success once they enter the rigor of our Kindergarten program. Students attend activities such as chapel and pep rallies, eat lunch in the cafeteria, and participate in enrichment classes including art, PE, Eagle Lab (STEM), science lab, music, and Spanish.
Children placed in appropriate education settings more readily develop healthy, positive self-esteem and master important fundamental skills, providing success later in their academic journey.
Children must be 5 years old by July 1 to be considered for the LCCS Kindergarten program. Students turning 5 in July and August will enter the LCCS Kinder Prep program. For children with April, May, and June birthdays, placement is determined by Gesell testing, observations from teachers, and previous assessments.
The LCCS Early Education program is not required to register with or be licensed by the State of Texas. Its status as an Early Education program accredited by ACSI exempts LCCS from this requirement. LCCS reviews the standards annually to remain in compliance with Texas Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers. Our Early Education program is updated as needed when standards have been revised.