In the accomplishment of our mission, we hold true to these values:
A Personal Relationship with Christ Jesus
We consistently present the Gospel so that each student may come to know Jesus Christ personally. The school culture fosters intimacy with Jesus Christ by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. As a result, students grow in their awareness of who they are in Christ.
A Biblical Worldview
All instructional content is biblically integrated and students are encouraged to make choices and decisions based upon biblical principles. Systematic and intentional instruction that supports a biblical worldview begins in Kindergarten and continues in each grade level until graduation. Discernment of underlying worldviews presented by contemporary culture is a critical component of living a God-centered lifestyle.
With humility we pursue excellence in Godly living and in every aspect of our school programs.
Learner-Centered Academics
We provide high quality, learner-focused instruction via well-qualified professional teachers. The ultimate goal is to prepare every student to attend the college or university to which God calls them.
Partner Relationships with Parents
In order to have effective partner relationships, we seek to enroll students whose families support the mission statement, core values, statement of faith, philosophy, and policies of Lake Country Christian School. The school is one strand of a threefold cord that consists of the Christian home, the local Bible-believing church, and the Christian school (Ecclesiastes 4:12). This gives each child a stable environment in which to grow. We acknowledge parents as the primary educators of their children.
We provide an educational environment that encourages God’s creativity expressed in and through His children. Creativity in thought and action are found throughout all school programs.
We engage faculty, staff, and students in service and outreach, sharing God’s love in tangible ways locally, nationally, and internationally. Service and outreach activities are designed to help students become responsible citizens who understand their obligations as service-oriented leaders who can make a positive impact on society.
Strategic, intentional integration of leadership skills instruction into all LCCS programs along with age appropriate opportunities for skills demonstration is essential to the fulfillment of the mission of Lake Country Christian School.